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Welcome to the FMHE Facilities Department!

We are excited to let everyone know that the Family of the Most Holy Eucharist has created a Facilities Team. We have one Director and have assigned each of our campuses an on-site manager.

Facilities Team:

Director of Facilities Operations for FMHE: Larry Witsken, 513-922-0715 ext. 3322 (office), 513-532-8171 (direct),

Our Lady of Lourdes: Mike Noonan, 513-703-9263,

St. Aloysius Gonzaga Campus: Walt Sample, 513-543-6795,

St. Antoninus: Dave Severding, 513-623-2582,

St. Catharine of Siena: Matt Schneider, 513-240-2535,

St. Martin of Tours: Larry Wentz, 513-317-8968,

When using our facilities, the above managers are your contacts for each campus. Feel free to reach out with any issues, day or evening.

Weekends, starting at 5:00 pm Friday through Monday at 7:00 am, please use the on-call phone number 513-473-4386 or email the facilities director at


· Requests MUST BE submitted at least 1 week prior to the scheduled event.

· Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the start time and lock at the requested end time. If set up time is requested, doors will open at the set-up time listed. If you leave prior to the listed end time, please call the facility manager and they will lock the doors remotely.

Before scheduling an event, you must complete a facility request form. This form has all the information our Facilities Team needs to make sure the event runs smoothly including details about the event, setup, equipment needs and when doors should be unlocked.

You can make a request to use a room at any of our parishes in one of two ways:

1. Go to "Meeting Spaces" on the family webpage and click on Facility Request under the Meeting Spaces tab.


2. Pick up a paper copy in the lobby/gathering space of each parish and drop off at the FMHE Central Parish Office or scan and email to

Please note the following dates cannot be accommodated:

· Family Mondays between 6:00pm and 8:30pm

· January 1, January 22, August 15, November 1, December 8, December 25, Ash Wednesday, and Holy Week.

The scheduling priority will be as follows:

1. Liturgy and Sacraments

2. School

3. Ministries

4. Athletics and socials

5. Private events (if approved)

We look forward to supporting our parish community! If you have questions or concerns regarding facility requests, please contact Larry Witsken, Facilities Director, at

To view a copy of our scheduling policies, click here: Facility Policies


Facility Use Request Form


ESpace Calendar